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Ladies Conference 2022

We want to invite the ladies from around the area to join us for a very special One Night Ladies Conference on Friday, May 13, 2022.
We are excited to have Sister Elaine Love as our Conference Minister. Sister Elaine has served for12 years as the Women’s Ministry leader of the state of Florida. She is the co-pastor of Punta Gorda, Florida, and an ordained minister. Elaine has spoken in many conferences and services as a women’s ministry leader. She has the heart to serve and see ladies be touched by God.
Please register for this FREE night!. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM and a meal will begin at 6:00 PM along with some door prizes. We will have a time of testimony, worship, and a timely Word just for you ladies.
To help us prepare for you, please pre-register by using the link below. The night is free, but we will receive an offering if you would like to bless our guest  and Conference expenses.
We encourage all of our ladies within driving distance to set aside everything else for this wonderful evening- for One Night. Already in our planning God has been answering prayers and preparing what we sense to be a precious and intimate time with the Lord.
Registration and check-in will begin at 5:30 PM
Dinner and door prizes will be at 6:00 PM
Service (Worship, testimonies, and the Word) @7:00 PM
Community Church at Hackleburg
9700 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564
*Please note childcare will not be available.


Spring 22 Upcoming Events

Here are some activities, events, and outreach coming up in the next two months. Mark them down to Connect, Grow, and Serve this spring.
Palm Sunday
  • April 10th
Community Easter Eggstravaganza: Saturday, April 16th, 11-1
  • Petting Zoo, Inflatables, Eggs, Food, and more
  • All hands on deck to serve our community- Let’s make an Impact together!
Easter Sunday: April 17th
  • Special Service
  • Easter Bunny, Family Pictures, Easter Egg Hunt for the kids
SERVE DAY: April 23
  • Serving our Seniors and our town
  • Gather at 8 and begin at 9 AM
  • Something for EVERYBODY to do to serve.
Special Guest Speaker: Bishop Tim McCaleb
  • Sunday, May 1st
  • General Presbytery of Asia, Former pastor in TN, and state overseer of Texas
Ladies Conference (One Night)
  • May 13th
  • Special Guest: Eliane Love (Sister Renee Sutton’s sister) and ladies’ ministry leader in Florida
Graduation Sunday:
  • May 22nd
  • Honoring our graduates and our kids moving into youth ministry


Annual Report 2022


Annual Report 2022

Our Annual Night of Vision is where we celebrate the blessings of God from 2021 and we share the heart of God for our local church family for the 2022 year as the Lord is leading. The entire congregation is presented with the Annual Report that included financial statements for 2021  and a budget for 2022. However, greater than those financial numbers is the many ways God blessed 2021 and how we sense God leading us into 2022. 
Please feel free to download a PDF copy of the 2022 Annual Report for Community Church at Hackleburg. 
You can also go to for a highlight of the year.


No Services or Activities: 3/30/22

Due to the threat of severe weather this evening, we will have NO Wednesday Services or activities on campus.
Please stay safe, and let us know if you need anything.


Ladies Conference: Registration Open

Ladies, we are excited to share that registration is now open for the Ladies Conference 2021. 
In 2019 we held our Regional Ladies Conference that was transformational to all the wonderful ladies who joined us. We believe that this Mother’s Day weekend our ladies will have time to step away for a few hours to be refreshed and renewed on your special weekend.
Do not miss the 2021 Regional Ladies Conference on May 8th, 2021! 


1st Wednesday- Pastor Dustin

This Wednesday night is 1st Wednesday! 1st Wednesday is a night of Worship and Word to refresh and renew your week.
To kick us off, we are excited to have Pastor Dustin Atkins with us. Pastor Dustin is no stranger to Community Church. He served as our youth pastor for several years and the Lord truly blessed His ministry and our youth during his time. Pastor Dustin now serves as Campus Pastor of Life Church.
Our adults and youth will join together for this dynamic time.
Join us this Wednesday night at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.


Easter 2021

Come Experience Easter at Community Church! 

Easter is always a special time of the year and the most important celebration we have each year. Celebrating our Risen Savior and the sacrifice of His life in death for us. What Love Jesus has for us! 

We always seek to make Easter special for our guests and our church family. This year is no exception. We will have a power-filled time of worship that this year will include worship of communion. Pastor Josh will be sharing a special Easter Word that will impact not only the unsaved, or our guests, but everyone. We will also have an area for families to gather for their Easter family photos and we will be providing printed versions the following Sunday for each one. 

Community Kids will be having a special Easter Celebration as well. Once our kids arrive and sign in they will go back to our Kid’s Church for a mix of music, games, cotton candy, an Easter lesson, crafts, and more. After service, everyone will gather to watch our Kids have their Easter Egg Hunt. 


Do not miss anything this Easter! We are believing in a special and life-changing day as Christ tears away everything that keeps us from a full life in Christ. 


“You are Loved” Groups

We are preparing to launch our Groups for the spring unlike any we have done before. We are heading the call of the Lord to a “Revival of Love” by centering every group around acts of love. These “You are Loved” Groups will come together as groups no larger than 20-25 to share about their opportunities to love, to pray for one another, and lastly but most importantly to go love on others as a group. These “You are Loved” Groups will find small acts of kindness and love they can do. This can range from mowing a yard to preparing a meal, to washing a car and anything else the groups can imagine doing to say “You are Loved.”

If you are ready to step out and begin to love like never before then sign up to lead a group this Sunday. Get ready we are about to see God’s Spirit work through this body like never before as we obey His call to Love like never before.
Heart of “You are Loved” Groups
The heart of the “You are Loved” Groups comes from our call this year of the Lord. In 2021 the Lord has called us to love greater than anything else we do. Our world all the way down to our community is in need of something that can unify us and bring our hearts back to what the Lord calls us to do and be His Children. That thing is nothing short of the very identity of Christ, Love. We are called to a Revival greater than anything we have ever imagined. A “Revival of Love!” Pastor Josh has shared for four weeks on the heart of this call from God’s Word, only scratching the surface of what is fully in God’s Word.

This call to a “Revival of Love” is more than a service or a series of teaching, but something we must put into action. We want to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit by not only accepting this call individually and as families but in our church schedule and activities. We are heading the voice of the Spirit by enacting acts of love and kindness through the “You are Loved” cards and now the groups for our spring session.


Annual Report 2021

Each year we hold A Vision Sunday or Night of Vision to celebrate the blessings of God for the previous year. We also look into the heart of God for our local church family for the new year.
We present the entire congregation with the Annual Report that included financial statements for 2020  and a budget for 2021. However, greater than any financial number is the many ways God blessed in 2020 in spite of a very unusual year. We sense God speaking into 2021 with three points of direction. 
Please feel free to download a PDF copy of the 2021 Annual Report for Community Church at Hackleburg.
CLICK HERE: 2021 Annual Report