COVID19 Response: Mask Ordinance 7/17/2020


One-Day Youth Camps


Global Simulcast Address

The LIVE Global Address from the general overseer and greetings from all seven general presbyters will be broadcast THIS Saturday, July 11, at 10 a.m. (with bonus pre-show beginning at 9:40) Eastern (US) time. It can be viewed on this page and on the Church website, cogop.org
You will hear special music from all over the world as well as exciting announcements and confirmation of appointments! Join your COGOP family in this inspirational praise and worship experience. See you Saturday!


Summer Youth Camp News


Baptism This Sunday!


Building the Church in the Dominican Project Update

While this is great news, there is still much work to be done. In recent months, several elements of the project had to be put on hold as they worked to address the global pandemic. Financial resources had to be redirected to meet immediate needs. This left the bathrooms incomplete and some work remaining on the temporary roof.
Pastor Juan Pablo shared, “When Covid-19 arrived, we had to stop the work of fixing the ceiling and doing the septic of the bathroom and with the money that we had to help the members and some neighbors of the Church most in need. One side of the ceiling was left unfinished to fix and the septic of the bathroom.”
We want to help them take care of these issues as soon as possible. The immediate need is approximately $3000 for the bathrooms and repairs of some spots leaking on the roof. With the Lord’s help, this is a need I believe we can address quickly. Also, in the coming months, we want to work towards the next major step in the project of pouring the permanent ceiling for the first floor. The cost of this step is approximately $50,000. This will serve as the roof until the construction of the second floor is complete.
Church family, this is the definition of “fertile soil” of which we can sow. As they work to build the building of the church, they are consistently caring for the members and those less fortunate. We ask that you continue to pray and give. The Lord has entrusted us with much. What will we do with it?


Youth Kickball Night


United in Prayer: Day 10

Today, we end our ten days of prayer and fasting. Looking back, we have covered inviting God to move in our lives, to clean our hearts, breaking negative relationships, and repositioning/refocusing our relationships with God, the Word, and Holy Spirit. We have prayed over our homes and families and our church. Today, as we end, let’s focus our prayers on this “new season”.

- 2:41 Salvations
- 2:42 Community / Prayer Meetings
- 2:43 God fear and awe / wonders / signs / miracles
- 2:44 Unity
- 2:45 Giving
- 2:46 & 47 Hunger / Meeting Together / Strengthening of One Another


United in Prayer: Day 9


United in Prayer: Day 8

Yesterday, we shifted our prayer focus moving outwardly praying for our families. Today, let’s continue that outward focus as we pray over our homes and our land.