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Final 3 Days of United in Prayer

I want to invite you to join us for the final three days of our United in Prayer. These 10 days have and will prove to be powerful as we obey the Lord in seeking God. We are walking the same road as the disciples as they waited on the Promise. I am excited to see what God will do in our New Season starting Pentecost Sunday (May 31). 
I encourage you to pray and fast for God to lead us. For God’s full power to work freely. We cannot expect God to just ‘perform’ because we show up. Jesus said somethings only come through prayer and fasting. Would you unite these final three days with us?


United in Prayer: Day 7

So far, we have been praying inwardly focusing on ourselves and our relationships. Today, we will begin to focus our prayers moving outwardly and to those around us. We will start by praying for those closest to us in our lives and our homes and that is our families. 

I once had someone speak into my life the importance of consistently praying over my family. I was taught that through consistent prayers regardless of what I see, I am praying prayers that are active and living for my family. This ties back to that consistent relationship with the Word of God. The more we sow into that relationship, the more we understand, and the more we can release the Word into our lives and the lives of others. When we speak His Word, we are releasing His words! In response, the Word of God tells us that even the angels move to respond to the voice of the Word. 

Psalm 103:20 Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His commandments, hearkening to the voice of His Word.

When we speak the Word, angels are on the move to fulfill it. When we speak the Word, we are choosing to release what God says about the situation other than what we see. Speaking the Word is us releases our faith that we are choosing to believe God what God says. 

As a parent, our hearts for our children from the moment they are born is remarkable. We love them, we hope for them, we protect them, we believe the best even when their lives may take a direction we didn’t expect. If our hearts as a parent is just a portion God lets us feel compared to His heart as Father. Can you imagine the love God has for us? He just, like us, has hope and love for us wanting to protect and believe the very best for our lives. 

Let’s take time today to ask God to show us our family through His eyes and His heart. Asking God to show us how to pray for our spouses, and our children. What would He want us to pray over them? 

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. 

Romans 11:29 For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. He never withdraws them when once they are given and He does not change His mind about those to whom He give His grace or in whom He sends His call. 

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me voice without producing any effect, useless, but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose and it shall prosper the thing for which I sent it. 

Prayer Starter: 

God, I lift my family up to you realizing that You have a purpose and plan for their lives. God that you have giftings and callings within them that You won’t take back. God that You won’t change Your mind about them. God, You have a purpose for my family and God, I ask You to help me see how to pray for my family through Your heart. I am choosing to pray and speak Your Word, and Your heart over the lives of my family knowing that in that choice, I am releasing angels that are moving in response to Your word. Also, God releasing Your word means that it will not come back without producing. God show me the words to speak. God, I thank You for Your heart, for Your protection, and Your hope for my family. 

  • April Price



CONNECT: Our greatest desire is to see everyone CONNECT to Know Christ in a personal relationship. Through CONNECT Groups we build relationships with Christ and other believers while doing life together.
GROW: We seek to GROW spiritually strong in Christ to be a fully committed follower of Christ. Our Growth Journey series helps to provide the tools to GROW stronger in Christ from new believers to seasoned saints.
SERVE:We become complete as we SERVE to make an Impact for Christ. Through Impact Teams everyone can use their unique gifts and talents to Serve in and through the church to make an Impact in our community, region and world.


United in Prayer: Day 6

For the past few days, we have been focusing our prayers on the relationships in our lives. Today, let’s focus a little further on the relationship we have with the Holy Spirit.
God intended for us to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus shows us this.
John 14: 16-17, And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart) because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him, for He lives with you constantly and will be in you. 14:26 But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf, He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything that I have told you.
The Holy Spirit is a promise; a gift for us and for every generation after us. Acts 2:39 For the promise of the Holy Spirit is to and for you and your children, and to and for all that are far away, even to and for as many as the Lord our God invites and bids to come to Himself. (A gift for all–Acts 10:43-47)
If you are reading this and think..okay, I am good with Holy Spirit…hang on we will focus there shortly. If on the other hand, you know that you haven’t been filled with the Holy Spirit having the evidence then let’s stop here for a few minutes.
I once sat under teaching that explained that receiving the Holy Spirit and His gifts were as simple as how I would receive a gift from a friend. If a friend was giving me a beautifully wrapped gift and this friend was so happy to give the gift to me, my response would determine how that friend would feel. Now, I could say, yes, I will take the gift and hold my hands out to receive or I could say, well I don’t deserve that gift. There are so many directions, but we usually take the gifts. The Holy Spirit is a beautifully wrapped gift from God that Jesus left us with; yet when we feel that gift, we can back away. If you haven’t received that gift, let me encourage you to hold your hands out and simply say, yes I receive the beautifully wrapped gift from You God. Ask God to completely fill you and keep you ever filled with the Spirit. (Eph. 5:18)
Now, for those that say, I am good ..filled with the Holy Spirit……as believers we have the Holy Spirit, but how much does the Holy Spirit have you?
Let’s examine our relationship with the Holy Spirit today.
Prayer Starter:
God, I pray that I live my life being led and guided by the Holy Spirit. I ask that You, Holy Spirit show me where I have pushed Your voice aside. Reveal areas in my life that I have been hesitant to change. Fill me fresh. I need Your Holy Spirit in me to be my guide, comforter, counselor, advocate, helper, intercessor, strengthener, and standby. I need you to pray through me when everything around me is so hard to understand. I need to see my life, and those around me through Your eyes. Holy Spirit I need You in my life…my family ..and my future.
   – April Price



We would love to help you CONNECT to our church family here at Community Church.
We ‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We hope you see our passion for Jesus and His Gospel. He is the only reason that we do what we do — preaching, children’s ministry, student ministry, local missions, and even worship.
If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say,
Impacting our community, region, and the world for Jesus!
We are a Holy Spirit-led church family desiring to lead others to CONNECT to Christ in a personal relationship, to GROW spiritually strong in Christ, and to SERVE Christ to Impact our community, region, and world.
These three elements create the DNA for us to live all of life for the glory of Jesus. 


United in Prayer: Day 5

Yesterday, we focused on our relationship with the Word of God, today we are going to focus on our relationship with His presence in our daily lives. God wants to be involved in our lives–God has always desired relationship with His creation. God wants us to know Him through the Word and He also wants us to know Him through His presence, through encounters with Him that continually draw us closer into an intimate relationship with Him. 

God wants so much more for our relationship with Him. More than it to be limited to Sunday and Wednesday encounters. God created us for a relationship, to know Him intimately. The first example we see is with Adam and Eve. God created Adam…and God shared creation with Adam.

Genesis 3:19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every wild beast and living creature of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called every living creature, that was its name.

In verses, 20-25, we continue to see this relationship between God and Adam and when Adam realizes he needed someone to compliment him..God responds by creating a woman to meet that need. The relationship continued with Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:8-11) There was a time, a cool of the day time that God would meet with Adam and Eve. In these verses, we see they knew, and could recognize the sound of God walking in the garden. 

Genesis 3:10 He said, I heard the sound of You walking in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. 

What’s interesting here is God knew of the sin; yet He still came walking to meet them just as normal. God’s presence meets us to keep us going, we can let things push Him away and we can choose to hide, but God still wants to be with us.

Adam and Eve were familiar with the sound of God’s presence entering their day. They had a personal experience with a living daily relationship with God. His presence in our lives is so important for us in understanding who He is and fully experiencing God. These everyday encounters change our perspectives and He becomes more and more real to us.

There have been many times in my relationship with God where His presence just showed up. I learned that God can show up even when I am not expecting Him or seeking His presence. Our day can be normal, then God can invade our normal

Another moment in my life that changed my view of God happened on April 25, 2011. I was having a normal day and out of nowhere, I felt a strong pull to go and pray. I didn’t understand what for or why but I couldn’t shake this desire to just be with God. I just knew I had to pray. In turn, because it was a “normal day”, I pushed this feeling to the side, thinking I would pray later when it was my time to pray. Within just minutes of pushing that feeling aside, it came back. I didn’t understand a lot then, but I did understand that God was leading me. 

I knew that I had to follow this leading. I went outside my house and began to pray. The wind was picking up and the smell of honeysuckle was all around me. I started to pray for my parents. I began to pray deep prayers asking God to go before them, to protect them, to honor the parents that gave me my childhood. I reminded God of who they were and who they were to me and to Him. I asked God to keep them safe. This deep prayer went on for a while, then as soon as it came it left, and I continued about my “normal day” not knowing what would come only two days later on April 27th, and I would lose both of my parents to the tornado. It would even be a few more days later before I realized the praying moment I had just two days before.

That day, I saw another layer to God and that is that He is the God involved in our lives that He not only holds us but our families and everything connected to our hearts. That day, April 25th, was a normal day for me with God interrupting it because of our relationship I could sense His presence and because of that, I know that God was ahead of April 27th. Because of that day, every spring when I smell honeysuckle, I am reminded of the God who goes before us. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we can have a relationship with the God who holds tomorrow. 

Prayer Starter: 

I want a relationship with God with not only Your Word but also with Your presence. God interrupt my normal day. Make Your presence known to me. I open my heart, my ears to hear that I will be sensitive and responsive to hearing Your voice, your leading in my life to follow when I understand Your ways, but also God when I don’t understand Your ways. I am choosing to look for You, to become familiar with the sound of You walking in my life. 

  • April Price





Sunday Worship and Word:
10:00 AM 
Wednesday Night:
Youth Ministries at the Refuge: 7:00 PM
Children’s Ministry: 7:00 PM
Adult Connect Group: Bible Study: 7:00 PM
Other Connect Group scheduled by group. 


Physical Address:
9700 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564
Mailing Address:
PO Box 100 
Hackleburg, AL 35564
Phone: 205.935.3549


Pentecost Sunday: 5/31/2020

Join Us for Pentecost Sunday, May 31st as we open up our on campus and in the building church service. This is a spectacular day to join back together in one place. The historic day that the church was birthed in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. It was this day that the Promise of the Holy Spirit was received. The followers of Jesus (around 120) received POWER from God almighty. Peter preached a sermon heard across the area and 3000 were saved that day. What a day to celebrate the New Church launching and our return to the building.
We will join together at 10 AM with all precautions being taken and instructions by our Impact Teams to help you stay safe. Beyond those elements is the work the Holy Spirit is doing in this hour and is ready to do when we join together. That evening at 5:30 PM Bishop Neal Wright will join us to preach on the Power of the Holy Spirit.
God has ordained a special day for sure. This will be a defining moment if we will embrace it. It will define you, your family, and our church.. Are you ready?


United in Prayer: Day 4

Yesterday, we began to focus on relationships in our lives shedding buried pain and hurt. Today, staying focused on relationships, let’s evaluate our relationship with the Word.

The Word of God is God’s letter to us. The Word is what God left for us as our inheritance to fully know who He is and His extreme love for us. The Word is God, and we can have an active, living, breathing relationship with it.

John 1:1 In the beginning before all time was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power making it active, operative, energizing, and effective, it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and the immortal spirit, and of joints and marrow of the deepest parts of our nature, exposing, and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

So many of us can struggle to develop a consistent relationship with the Word. I know, I was one of those people. It’s easier to just do a devotion, or wait until Sunday to hear, but God intended for us to have a consistent relationship with the Word. He shows us Himself through it; we see who we are through Him; we see our inheritance as a child of God.

When I first began my relationship with the Word, I set aside time to read, but I struggled. First, I struggled just staying awake long enough, then I struggled to understand, and I also struggled because I didn’t see the Word like so many others in my life who saw the Word applicable to their lives. I wanted that, but growing up I saw the Word as a story, and God as a person I would encounter when I got to heaven, so the Word was stories to me.

I began to pray a prayer that I pray today and I haven’t changed that prayer. Before I begin reading the Word, I ask God to show me what I need to see and let me hear what I need to hear that I want to see His Word alive in me. The Word is alive so I choose to breathe in that breath of life from the Word.

As I began praying that prayer, I would keep a notebook nearby to write down anything that I would understand. One day, I was reading about the life of David. During that time, I had taken a break to make a pan of cornbread to go with supper for the night. I go back to reading and began to get so interested in what I was reading and at some point, the oven timer went off and I continued to read and couldn’t find a place to stop, because I didn’t want to stop. For the first time the Word was not a story! I was reading the life of David and was seeing my life through it.

Eventually, I had to stop and go get the cornbread out of the oven. I ran and pulled the cornbread out then got back to reading and writing. As I began to write, it dawned on me that in my hurry to just get the cornbread out so I could get back to reading again, I realized I didn’t use any oven mitts to grab the skillet. I had grabbed with my bare hands. I looked at my hands and not even burned or anything. That day, my life and my relationship with God and His Word changed. The Word became alive to me and I never read the Word with a struggle again.

God wants us to find Him in His Word. There are moments in the finding; He wants to be found.

Jeremiah 29:13-14 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me as a vital necessity and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you…

Prayer Starter

God invade our time in the Word. We choose to open our eyes to see, and our ears to hear what You show us through the Word. We confess the Word is alive God, it is your breath into our lives. So, God we open the Word not only to read but God to breathe Your breath into us. God open the Word to us that we will read and see and understand like never before that there will be supernatural moments of finding You.
-April Price



Our online church family is an import part of our church. From those who attend in the building to those who engage online only, please enjoy live services. We believe God will be very real with you right now. May God bless you as you join us in a online live service!
(Click on the link to view)
Please know you can reach out to us through our Connection Card if you have questions, need prayer, or other needs.