Ladies Conference 2022

Registration and check-in will begin at 5:30 PM
Dinner and door prizes will be at 6:00 PM
Service (Worship, testimonies, and the Word) @7:00 PM
Community Church at Hackleburg
9700 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564


Spring 22 Upcoming Events

Palm Sunday
April 10th
Petting Zoo, Inflatables, Eggs, Food, and more
All hands on deck to serve our community- Let’s make an Impact together!
Special Service
Easter Bunny, Family Pictures, Easter Egg Hunt for the kids
Serving our Seniors and our town
Gather at 8 and begin at 9 AM
Something for EVERYBODY to do to serve.
Sunday, May 1st
General Presbytery of Asia, Former pastor in TN, and state overseer of Texas
May 13th
Special Guest: Eliane Love (Sister Renee Sutton’s sister) and ladies’ ministry leader in Florida
May 22nd
Honoring our graduates and our kids moving into youth ministry

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

No Services or Activities: 3/30/22


Ladies Conference: Registration Open


1st Wednesday- Pastor Dustin


Easter 2021

Easter is always a special time of the year and the most important celebration we have each year. Celebrating our Risen Savior and the sacrifice of His life in death for us. What Love Jesus has for us!
We always seek to make Easter special for our guests and our church family. This year is no exception. We will have a power-filled time of worship that this year will include worship of communion. Pastor Josh will be sharing a special Easter Word that will impact not only the unsaved, or our guests, but everyone. We will also have an area for families to gather for their Easter family photos and we will be providing printed versions the following Sunday for each one.
Community Kids will be having a special Easter Celebration as well. Once our kids arrive and sign in they will go back to our Kid’s Church for a mix of music, games, cotton candy, an Easter lesson, crafts, and more. After service, everyone will gather to watch our Kids have their Easter Egg Hunt.
Do not miss anything this Easter! We are believing in a special and life-changing day as Christ tears away everything that keeps us from a full life in Christ.


“You are Loved” Groups

If you are ready to step out and begin to love like never before then sign up to lead a group this Sunday. Get ready we are about to see God’s Spirit work through this body like never before as we obey His call to Love like never before.

This call to a “Revival of Love” is more than a service or a series of teaching, but something we must put into action. We want to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit by not only accepting this call individually and as families but in our church schedule and activities. We are heading the voice of the Spirit by enacting acts of love and kindness through the “You are Loved” cards and now the groups for our spring session.

Annual Report 2021