COVID19 Response: 3/14/20

We want to address the developing issue of the COVID-19 virus and its effect on us to let you know we are doing everything we can to be safe and wise. First and foremost, the cornerstone of our faith continues to be our total reliance on the Lord and His Promises. To our congregation who attend in person in Hackleburg, to our internet followers who watch and actively participate online, and to our community in Hackleburg to whom we serve, we give you this scripture to firmly stand upon in any time of trial or uncertainty:
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1-3
We stand fearless in the face of what is before us, with God on our side. We also want to use WISDOM during this time. We have plans to continue our services as planned so that we can seek God in prayer, worship together, and be encouraged by God’s Word. We will also participate in a time of prayer to join our nation in the President’s call to a Day of Prayer. We want you to know we do not take your health and well-being light and have implemented the following to further protect you and your family:
- •Common areas, doorknobs, and touch surfaces have been disinfected before and after service.
- •The main bathrooms have sanitation stations at the door.
- •Sanitation at the children’s check-in will be available.
- •We are seeking extra sanitizers to be available in all children’s areas and in the lobby area.
If you are sick, we ask that you use your judgment in protecting the elderly, and medically vulnerable by participating in our services online at www.ourcc.org/live. As well, please let us know so we can pray for you in your time of need.
We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to show the love of Christ to your neighbor and those around you. While you may not have anyone in your family that is affected, there may be those who do become sick. Our church will continue to strive to be like a beacon of light in our community. We pray that this event passes quickly, with minimum disruption, but should disruption arise, we want to be ready for what is ahead, and poised to continue to minister the Word of the Lord and make a positive Impact for Christ in all ways possible.
As the situation evolves, we will continue to update you on any changes in terms of your Community Church family. If you have a need or know of a need please let us know.
Joshua K. Lynn
Lead Pastor
One Year Bible
Today’s Bible Reading for The One Year Bible.

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Church Survey 2019

Ladies Conference 2019

We are excited for each woman to pursue and fully take on the image of God and His presence. The world marks women with many labels that the daughters of God were never designed to wear, but Christ wants us to live permanently marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Together, we will draw strength, form and renew friendships and worship freely for a day that we believe will mark us in His image throughout eternity.
To help us prepare for you, please pre-register by using the link below. Again, there is no registration fee for this Conference. This is a free event, and all offerings collected will be applied to the guest ministry team and Conference expenses.
For more information:

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Connect Groups are about building relationships with God and other believers while doing life together. They gather in formats from Bible and book discussions, to meeting at a Table to talk about life, to recreational activities.