C O M M U N I T Y   C H U R C H

Impacting our community, region, and world for Jesus! 

We are a Holy Spirit-led church family desiring to lead others to CONNECT to Christ in a personal relationship, to GROW spiritually strong in Christ, and to SERVE Christ to Impact our community, region and world.
W H A T   W E   D O 

Our Mission


Our greatest desire is to see everyone CONNECT to Know Christ in a personal relationship. Through CONNECT Groups we build relationships with Christ and other believers while doing life together.


We seek to GROW spiritually strong in Christ to be a fully committed follower of Christ. Our Growth Journey series helps to provide the tools to GROW stronger in Christ from new believers to seasoned saints.


We become complete as we SERVE to make an Impact for Christ. Through Impact Teams everyone can use their unique gifts and talents to Serve in and through the church to make an Impact in our community, region and world.
we make an impact

New Here?

We would love to help you CONNECT to our church family here at Community Church.
& Beliefs

Our Team

Dustin and Keslie Atkins
Lead Pastors
Brandon Benson
Student Ministries Pastor

Pentecost Sunday: 5/31/2020

Join Us for Pentecost Sunday, May 31st as we open up our on campus and in the building church service. This is a spectacular day to join back together in one place. The historic day that the church was birthed in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. It was this day that the Promise of the Holy Spirit was received. The followers of Jesus (around 120) received POWER from God almighty. Peter preached a sermon heard across the area and 3000 were saved that day. What a day to celebrate the New Church launching and our return to the building.
We will join together at 10 AM with all precautions being taken and instructions by our Impact Teams to help you stay safe. Beyond those elements is the work the Holy Spirit is doing in this hour and is ready to do when we join together. That evening at 5:30 PM Bishop Neal Wright will join us to preach on the Power of the Holy Spirit.
God has ordained a special day for sure. This will be a defining moment if we will embrace it. It will define you, your family, and our church.. Are you ready?


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Contact Info


Physical Address: 9700 State Hwy. 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564
Phone: 205-935-3549
Email: info@ourCC.org

Mailing Address: PO Box 100
Hackleburg, AL 35564